JPNUK Jumma Peoples Network UK, Demanding justice for the indigenous Jumma people of the CHT

server "" {
	listen on * port 80
	listen on * tls port 443
	connection request timeout 4
	location "/pub/*" {
		root "/werc"
	location found "/*" {
		root "/werc/sites/"
	  tls {
	    certificate "/etc/ssl/"
	    key "/etc/ssl/private/"
	 location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/*" {
	    root "/acme"
	    request strip 2
	location not found "/*" {
		root "/"
		fastcgi {
			param PLAN9 "/usr/local/plan9"
			param DOCUMENT_ROOT "/werc/bin"
			param SCRIPT_FILENAME "/werc/bin/werc.rc"
			socket "/run/slowcgi.sock"